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As the end of summer approaches, registration for fall sports is already underway at J.E.R. Chilton YMCA at Rockwall. Sign your child up today for flag football, girls volleyball and youth and small fry soccer – registration ends August 23.

The YMCA sports program focuses on work in three key areas: youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. Nurturing the potential of kids, helping people lead healthier lives, and supporting our neighbors are fundamental to strengthening our communities.

Flag Football

Everyone plays at the YMCA! Register your child today for the recreation youth football program. Children are guaranteed 25% playing time in each game, regardless of skill, practice attendance, etc. Games begin September 12 and will be played primarily on Saturdays. Youth football is for kids in Kindergarten-6th grade.

Girls Volleyball

Youth girls volleyball is for girls for 2nd-6th grade. Games begin September 12 and will be played primarily on Saturdays. It will be an 8-game season, plus an end-of-season tournament.


We encourage fair play, positive competition, and family involvement. Unlike most club soccer leagues, the Y has no tryouts so all kids can experience soccer in a fun, friendly, level playing field that allows all players to have fun. Youth soccer is a progressive program, with multiple age-specific levels. Youth soccer is for ages 4-12 for both boys and girls. Small Fry Soccer is for ages 2-3 for both boys and girls.

To register and for more information, visit the J.E.R. Chilton YMCA website at

The YMCA Youth Sports philosophy is to allow kids to participate in a noncompetitive program with an emphasis on fun, development of character, and fair play. We believe our youth sports programs helps families and individuals grow personally, clarify values, improve relationships, appreciate diversity, develop leadership skills and most of all, have fun!

For more than 30 years, the JER CHILTON YMCA AT ROCKWALL has worked to empower and strengthen the foundation of our community. With a focus on youth development, healthy living and social responsibility, the YMCA welcomes people of all ages, races, religions and incomes. Our mission is to put Christian values into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all.

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