Rockwall Roofing Specialists
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New paint, new flooring and popcorn ceiling removal

I don't know about you, but I feel summer slipped right by me this year.  Was it the fact our lives have been accosted by Covid or because I'm another year older?

Either case scenario, here comes Fall..the calm before the holiday season.  Now is the time to get your house preset for the joyous upcoming occasions.

How about a quick kitchen or bath remodel?   If a full remodel isn't what you had in mind, a fresh paint color on walls or cabinets can be just enough to change it up a bit!  Even a tiled backsplash or tiled accent walls add a new dimension to a room.  Have you considered repainting or staining your front door?  Inexpensive, yet welcoming.  Have a dark room or not enough light in a room?  Solar tubes or skylights are great options to brighten up even the darkest days, especially with the upcoming time change.

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